OverTheWire: Level Goal
We're hackers, and we are good-looking. We are the 1%. <!-- Please read and accept the Rules! --> Level Goal The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt next to the word millionth Commands you may need to solve this level man, grep, sort
Bandit Level 7 → Level 8
Level Goal
The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt next to the word millionth
Commands you may need to solve this level
man, grep, sort, uniq, strings, base64, tr, tar, gzip, bzip2, xxd
grep [옵션] [패턴] [파일명] : 파일 내에 특정 문자열 찾기 -> 옵션, 파일명 생략 가능.
문제 해석
'millionth'라는 단어 옆에 패스워드가 저장되어있다
bandit7@bandit:~$ du -h data.txt
4.0M data.txt
du명령어를 사용하여 data.txt의 크기는 4M이다.
나는 저 파일을 모두 읽고, 문제에서 주어진 millionth라는 word를 꼭 찾겠다!하시는 분은, 그대로 손을 들어서 자신의 뺨을..
pelleting mdbBa7c67gFKfVOokemCOJKLdOzyyK83
we'd zmJEREY8f9XoBOIwoq9Tbw8kK79mFeIz
settee DOiDxPLSkfIddek3Kuptm3oGYpT3l3qD
sipped c8uDq7MhGuir6FEJaW4jRYItm6zTJA5s
Photostatted BOV0pcdTriwnzVyznJYEbSGRBsJfSV4a
bother oVE0qcr0pttbYrlJrF5sSwIdcOC6QWjV
compulsively 2y8glNiuOIxyw7uF7AdTMq39qxMhOjK6
gonorrhea's dRWp1DD6FaPkwHn6tztFP8oS2raVOYIw
antipathy gNSsJk0XLuxWHY3ytBYDGBu62FrZefXi
Ozarks T3XWmwQheKmAxQsfu52s8A0VcBlx73pn
sweetness's 7UOekadF2RGiC400Qqvqr9Zzew3PhAj8
Jacobi tFG9PNzM3PJoSbtPwvOZdPJx2VABGUsy
Fermi's 1BDS8Bq0wWBl4O7baODjmGJDHpWQDJAl
Zürich NlvjwTPmvNCuUIUY0K9Gus19LO3TMmEf
spar 3V2to1acBTzOLaNeFvZA79Ea2RxTmaJg
rotundas eOiLVehGcu46TmFG94EdakN3OEASdgHi
snitch xLtACQV74ajxp7FUCqPXibOmcqr27xO5
fractional IqZhHUYwcU4HKI00e2epOcoFQw68Xa6y
Corleone's oHKFqDVJkusLkjxw23p0JN2skXjbBFes
standardizing YyDtzPy2hFJQLOYVxogYF1zxtvWcosZq
dehydrate ErPE46qRllGGWVfR8ZSoCD3g8avjw4CR
vignetting PNp1NMy2SezenZIaWLxZmC4Sun9BygAZ
misdeals oH7YTnfqATMfsRVoXtNZU4Jr7DAkFdFh
sycamores 7stZ9ey1CpcZfnW7pijz4P97eGseDixl
laminating GWzMFFeXemy8MXXJ8RxmyeixWcsL579C
trap GWYM8DaBJfuz6an2tVDm41tdtD5YtD3X
meritocracies aLty59sRNqu6v6ulJT55FGCAQsTefmeS
Meghan 8upi5kRPf4aI1fd6V0GisiBsEg3oMNgU
gasps 6EhRbaZDQ4kqrANmsWw1FOzVvlcTgxQF
chamberlains aprmvYpXmPdEEYnaCsnSIUgLx43fSsMd
Doug's EpTsviLO0SUF9wJjZxSIl3fhmu58rYkJ
annulars SdmpphKDQK19i3rMMYahSmm4UkupfkgC
burials 1a7sZnWLhiOj3gywzWrUCANQDifPRDwY
cat data.txt를 하면... 엄청난 문자들이 나온다.
자, 우리는 해커다. 우리가 원하는 정보인 millionth만 찾으면 된다.
grep 명령어를 사용해보자
bandit7@bandit:~$ cat data.txt | grep millionth
millionth dfwvzFQi4mU0wfNbFOe9RoWskMLg7eEc
참 쉽죠?
1. cat data.txt | grep millionth
파이프닝과 grep을 적절히 사용하면 쉽게 해결되는 문제
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